Cuencos de Crystal Alquímicos
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Existen más de 140 tipos de cuencos, cada uno tiene su nota, su afinación, una frecuencia, y propiedades específicas de alquimia simple y de mezcla avanzada.
Antes de comenzar el proceso de elección de tu cuenco + implementos del set + maletín de traslado debes saber que es necesario un acompañamiento personalizado para que puedas elegir correctamente las alquimias y el sonido que trabajarán para tu beneficio.
Te invitamos a leer nuestro artículo ¿Cuál cuenco alquímico de cristal es mejor para mí? donde encontrarás información relevante antes de que nos envíes tu email.

Androgynous Indium Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1
Yin & Yang Balance
The deeply violet-hue iridescent bowl contains Indium, a non-synthesized natural substance for vitamin and mineral absorption, balance in body alignment, centering, clearing and integrating male/female aspects of self. Radiating the violet light of ascension (I AM ONE), the Androgynous Indium bowl illumines one's Interior Life, allowing all aspects of Self. Embracing the physical shift to male/female balance, we fully dance the expanded frequencies of Enlightenment that transcend cultural belief systems.

Egyptian Blue Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1
These beautiful bowls were designed and created exclusively by Crystal Tones to harmonically link the wisdom of the Ancient Ones with the modern healing technology. The Egyptian Blue Bowl® is modeled on the Quartz Crystal Egyptian Bowls from the 13th Dynasty Thebes, Egypt.

Grandfather Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1
Ceremonial thunder and Earth energies are the essence of the Grandfather Bowl that radiates wise patriarchal energies. Connect and ground with the Earth’s elemental kingdom and the ancestral wisdom of the Grandfather vibration in your heritage for grace and inner knowing. Iron-fused quartz crystal inspires diplomacy of traditional values. Acknowledge grandfather’s ancestral gifts in his etheric crystalline headdress and feathers.

Grandmother Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1
Wisdom of the Ages
Every Grandmother’s love and caring is represented in this beautiful bowl. We honor the feminine energies in all and the Goddess/Crone as she reclaims her power on Earth. Embrace your soul’s ageless feminine wisdom and the spiraling DNA of creation/birth with The Grandmother Bowl. The Crone is Gaia energy. She is free of menses, aligned with the graceful strength and dreamtime magic of the Swan and shamanic practices, at home in her body. Time apart and discernment expand her divine wisdom. Grandmother, Crone and Goddess walk the Grande Mother path.

Indigo Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1
Indigo Mastery
A quantum healing instrument, Indigo links the pituitary gland and skeletal system, clearing the mind. Freeing our attachment to the past, Indigo awakens inherent psychic abilities. It invokes the master within and gives clarity to psychic abilities and speaking one’s truth. The Indigo carries a Third Eye vibration of those who are fully realized at birth – natural spiritual teachers. It assists them in aligning with Earth energies. This bowl is perfect for Indigo children/adults and for visualizing global peace.

Laughing Bhudda Crystal Singing Bowl - G1
Joy & Laughter
Our Laughing Buddha Bowl is a life-enhancing sonic journey into childlike wonder where laughter, delicious "sacral cremesicle" colors and smiles come out to play. This bowl is all about relaxation, letting go, Divine creative ideas, prosperity, peace and wisdom. The body loves a belly laugh! We birth more peptides and endorphins through laughter - a life enhancer at its very core- keeping us in the higher frequencies knowing laughter really is the best medicine. The Laughing Buddha Bowl radiates the love, compassion and joviality of Eastern teachings.

Ocean Indium Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1
The Ocean Indium Bowl holds a higher, softer magenta frequency that communicates to and assists the body in morphing to an anti-aging, balanced state. Enhanced with Indium, a trace element that promotes longevity and mineral absorption in the body, the Violet and Indium sine waves of this bowl expand Spirit within. A catalyst for improved lifestyles with a greater flow of chi, better diet, mobility, third eye (pineal gland) activation, a fuller spiritual alignment and balanced male and female energies. Manifest the cosmic blueprint of whole brain experience with The Ocean Indium Bowl®.

Smokey Quartz Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1
Earth Connection
The Smoky Quartz Bowl promotes positive mental and spiritual thinking and the art of staying grounded and balanced. This bowl works the solar plexus, sacral and root chakras for creativity and planting one’s roots in the rich soil of the Earth. Serene Smokey Quartz energies encourage centeredness, joy, cooperation and clarity and are a Golden Brown Rainbow of Earth Tones for the coming of the Crystal People to planet Earth, according to Hopi prophecy.

Tesseract Salt Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G1
Sacred square form for manifestation, grounding the fourth dimension, building a strong structural foundation to connect and ground us to manifest the divine on this planet. Direct grounded connection to Mother Divine.

Violet Indium Sky Crystal Singing Bowl - G1
Spiritual Spectrum

Aqua Aura Gold Crystal Singing Bowl - G2
Transcendant Male
This powerful Alchemy bowl helps balance the overly analytical mind and transmute blockages that cause disharmony. A psychic center and yang alignment activator, the Aqua Aura 24K Gold Bowl deeply and quickly entrains the auric fields for shifting, cleansing and activating upper chakras. Its yang energy and color help relieve depression and lift spirits. The energetic properties of fused gold and quartz undergo a metamorphosis that results in an entirely new, elevated aqua-opalescent healing vibration.

Aqua Aura Marine Crystal Singing Bowl - G2
When the Aqua Aura Gold Marine Bowl is played it creates a synergy - a unity that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. The resulting increase in mass consciousness makes way for shifting into the oneness.

Chronium Crystal Singing Bowl - G2
Chromium supports intuition and universal communication. Promoting a strengthened energetic field of truthfulness, chromium encourages any quantum frequency expansion.

Mother of Platinum Crystal Singing Bowl - G2
Divine Mother
A natural fusion of pure quartz and platinum that creates a mother-of-pearl essence and opalescent finish and carries an energy of Venus, the matriarchal goddess of love. Microscopic bubbles added to the quartz produce a pastel elegance with a nurturing vibration of water elementals. The beautiful and spherical completeness of pearls represents an ever-present fullness of Spirit. Powerful and effective in working through emotional issues and giving birth to mature Divine Mother/Gaia energies in a sound stream of comfort.

Platinum Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl - G2
Divine Feminine
A pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in yin energy. Platinum stimulates the divine feminine, relieves stress, diminishes depression while aligning the intuitive and emotional body. This stunning alchemical bowl unifies astral and physical body fields in a sonic opalescent rainbow bath - a super harmonizer/balancer. It has a calming, steadying, grounding effect for perfect attunement resonance. A beautiful addition to any sacred union celebration.

Abalone Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl - G3
Oceanic Wisdom
Wisdom of the sea, beauty and majesty in their natural fluidity, mother of pearl radiance gleaming through the oceanic portals of the sands of time. Cleansing and purifying. Atlantean energy.

Charcoal Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl - G3
Move into uncharted spiritual and physical dimensions with the pure crystal charcoal bowl alchemy, a grounding tool for today’s rapidly accelerating and expansive energies. The ultimate sound portal for clarity, personal vision and release of physical, emotional, and spiritual toxins. Highly prized in ancient Egypt as early as 1550 BC, and for centuries in Japan, bamboo and other charcoals are often used in physical and spiritual healing because of their ability to absorb toxins and impurities. Quartz crystal with charcoal creates neutralizing positive ions in a waveform that “makes everyday life better.” An anecdote for poisons in the body and environment, charcoal can help uplift and remove negative states of being. The Charcoal Bowl can help dissipate confusion and achieve balance. As one moves through life’s crossroads this crystalline-infused energy offers guidance for problems or situations that are arising. With intention, this bowl can be a helping agent for removing negativity, bringing about hope, unconditional love, nurturing, grounding, appreciation of the feminine and nature. Evoke mystic visions, spiritual and romantic love, tenderness, kindness, sensitivity and psychic abilities.

Dead Sea Crystal Singing Bowl - G3
Sacred Purification & Healing
Grounding transmitter, physical healing, aiding in our own self healing energies, activates the super healing energy within. Sacred vortex from Israel.

Green Heart Aura Gold Singing Bowl - G3
Abundance of Love
Made of gold. This bowl is about opening the heart fully to giving and receiving love. It creates strong roots that help us to connect in a universal manner with all life. The feeling of Oneness of connection to all that is. It allows us to be more understanding and compassionate with others.

Green Heart Ocean Gold Singing Bowl - G3
Loving Kindness
Made of gold, fired in a special process to create the green color. It is about opening the heart fully to giving and receiving love and embodying radiant health. It allows us to be more kind and open and compassionate to others in the process of living in this human body. Green Heart Ocean Gold carries the power of the ocean in an ongoing, healing stream, in an ebb and flow of golden green energy.

Kyanite Singing Bowl - G3
Clearing Negative Energy
Powerful in energy clearing, Kyanite creates pathways of consciousness where formerly, there were none. Bridging auric and emotional blocks between individuals, it clears, opens and activates all chakras simultaneously and instantaneously. Kyanite is an extremely powerful transmitter and amplifier of high-frequency energies. It builds energetic bridges of light and information between incongruent aspects of the experience. This alchemy builds an energetic light bridge for a more harmonious connection and communication, opening psychic channels and activating mind centers. The Kyanite resonance accentuates mental capacities and improves one’s ability to “download” information for higher sources by linking the physical, astral and causal bodies.

Lemon Angel Singing Bowl - G3
Being in one's power, energetically centering and connection to your core and third chakra. High frequency with the gold brings in activation of your personal power, within a gentle, loving presence and all that is. This bowl creates a light, uplifting and centering presence and frequency.

Lemon Aura Singing Bowl - G3
Being in one's power, energetically centering and connection to your core and third chakra. High frequency with the gold brings in activation of your personal power, within a gentle, loving presence and all that is. This bowl creates a light, uplifting and centering presence and frequency.

Mystic Hot Springs Singing Bowl - G3
Mother's Womb
This bowl is all about connecting one with the Earth. Its energy creates a warm embrace, comforting like a mother's womb. It allows one to soak up the different elements and minerals from the healing Mystic Hot Springs through sound.

Pink Angel Gold Singing Bowl - G3
Angelic Dreams
This is a gentle, soft angelic vibration. It connects one with the angelic realms, giving one clearer insight on their path and greater trust in the perfect unfolding of life. It is divinely magnificent and pink angel gold connects us to this energy.

Pink Aura Gold Singing Bowl - G3
Angelic Dreams
A high-frequency love alchemy resonating with the pure energy of the Magdalene. A companion of unconditional and courageous love, Pink Aura Gold resonates the enacting of all activities from a heart-centred origin. The radiant healing love source vibration guides the heart to inspire the mind.

Sage Aura Gold Singing Bowl - G3
Healing Through the Heart
Touching all layers of the heart giving protection and strength. The wisdom of Sage Aura teaches us that our hearts are stronger than we know. It can help to heal beyond a cellular level and support the ongoing growth of gratitude and love. It restores the heart to its purity of love.

Shungite Singing Bowl - G3
EMF Balancing
Ancient stone of Life, an alchemical miracle stone, unlike any other- promotes positivity and removes negative energies and thoughts. It is a grounding and clearing stone which protects against the absorption of EMF from cell phones, computers, WiFi, etc. Shungite can assist in cell rejuvenation and is a catalyst for growth and transformation.

Amethyste Singing Bowl - G4
Ascension Now
A spiritually enhancing crystalline bridge of pure quartz and amethyst, this violet ray bowl supports the expansion of the crown chakra, creating a "temple of grace" in any setting. Amethyst is a master energizer and conductor, an important catalyst that expands and focuses intention with a clear connection to Source. It is a chalice of light often selected by spiritual teachers. The award-winning, sound-innovative Amethyst Bowl evokes serenity and intuitive ability and is the perfect companion for balance of heart and mind, often called "the longest journey."

Angel Gold Singing Bowl - G4

St Germain Aura Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G7
Mastering Ancient Wisdom
Holds the frequency of this Age of Aquarius inspiring flow and wisdom. St Germain Bowl uplifts well-being and is considered to be a very healing nurturing bowl. It bridges higher wisdom for One to receive insights, guidance and creativity. DNAs healing from the energetic level is also enhanced through this alchemy. - Yantara Jiro

Silver Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G10
Our Solid Silver Bowl mirrors sophisticated elegance for the Aquarian Age and calls forth the sonic muse. With the look and feel of sterling silver, its yin healing qualities are powerful connectors to Source, creating and amplifying sacred space. Our blessed Balinese silver bowl cleanses with a pure colloidal effect as it balances and clears emotional/physical bodies, empowers intuition and rings with a "hallowed grounding" effect (much like Hematite). Silver is the cording energy for astral and physical bodies and the perfect complement for gemstones/minerals.

Supergrade Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G14
100% purity of quartz crystal, master of masters in Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls. Supergrades are often Master Portals, Master Gateways, and/or Master Stargates. They serve as Spiritual Masters and Teachers; powerful doorways to inner discovery, giving empowerment and initiating activations. Supergrade bowl allows one to connect easily to the Earth Vortexes of the Earth, serve as an energy resonator to Planets and Stars depending on the sizes of the bowls. It can be also understood as a Divine tool that will enable the player to access deeper quantum states of Universe.

Solid Gold Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G31
Divine Abundance
A softly gleaming, elegant classic bowl infused with 24-K Gold, the energy of royalty, success and soul expansion. Its mirrored interior reflects a magical "master of illusion" golden hologram, a visual doorway into crystalline consciousness that creates a golden sound temple in any setting. The Solid Gold Classic Bowl holds all master conductor frequencies for sonic reconnective patterning, molecularly energizing the body and enriching life experiences –a conscious sonic walk in Light.

Solid Gold Therapeutic Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G31
Owning our Divinity
Fully expansive, all-encompassing and infinite tones sing from this sensational luminous bowl with a mirrored softness of golden twilight. Designed to invoke circles within circles, its gong-like round bell shape produces multiple overtones with a spiralling cosmic chime. The brilliant gold ingot qualities can attract abundance and an effortless life. A master healer, Gold balances the heart center and opens third eye/crown chakras. The Solid Gold Bowl is a crystalline peace bell, the Xanadu of sonic intention and resonance.

Solid Platinum Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl - G31
A pastel rainbow elegance is achieved in yin energy. Platinum stimulates the divine feminine, relieves stress, diminishes depression while aligning the intuitive and emotional body. This stunning alchemical bowl unifies astral and physical body fields in a sonic opalescent rainbow bath - a super harmonizer/balancer. It has a calming, steadying, grounding effect for perfect attunement resonance. A beautiful addition to any sacred union celebration.

White Gold Alchemy Kyanite Crystal Singing Bowl - G31
Powerful in energy clearing, Kyanite creates pathways of consciousness where formerly, there were none. Bridging auric and emotional blocks between individuals, it clears, opens and activates all chakras simultaneously and instantaneously. Kyanite is an extremely powerful transmitter and amplifier of high-frequency energies. It builds energetic bridges of light and information between incongruent aspects of the experience. This alchemy builds an energetic light bridge for a more harmonious connection and communication, opening psychic channels and activating mind centers. The Kyanite resonance accentuates mental capacities and improves one’s ability to “download” information for higher sources by linking the physical, astral and causal bodies.
Mother of Platinum
A natural fusion of pure quartz and platinum that creates a mother-of-pearl essence and opalescent finish and carries an energy of Venus, the matriarchal goddess of love. Microscopic bubbles added to the quartz produce a pastel elegance with a nurturing vibration of water elementals. The beautiful and spherical completeness of pearls represents an ever-present fullness of Spirit. Powerful and effective in working through emotional issues and giving birth to mature Divine Mother/Gaia energies in a sound stream of comfort.
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